Friday, December 29, 2006
11:58 PM
Sometimes they are normal and sometimes they are abnormal. but most of the time they are abnormal, trying to act normal. and i don't want to know wat they are doin and don't bother what they are doing, however, they always wants to let me know what they are doing and i don't wat to know! complicated huh?!
they think that i should be contented, and i will but they are always acting funny and sometimes they just can't let go of the past. and when i was younger those that have happen at that time, i will never forget. is not that i don't wanted to give it up is that i cannot. and i always tried to ignore and don't talk to them. i am always seeking for advise. they are always the pressurizer. talking to them make me very tensed up. i am trying to critisized them or what so ever. fine. i am just venting out my fustrations. actually can ignore this post. i am just crappiing
Sometimes they are normal and sometimes they are abnormal. but most of the time they are abnormal, trying to act normal. and i don't want to know wat they are doin and don't bother what they are doing, however, they always wants to let me know what they are doing and i don't wat to know! complicated huh?!
they think that i should be contented, and i will but they are always acting funny and sometimes they just can't let go of the past. and when i was younger those that have happen at that time, i will never forget. is not that i don't wanted to give it up is that i cannot. and i always tried to ignore and don't talk to them. i am always seeking for advise. they are always the pressurizer. talking to them make me very tensed up. i am trying to critisized them or what so ever. fine. i am just venting out my fustrations. actually can ignore this post. i am just crappiing
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
1:31 AM
[Christmas Eve]
went to sister's house, because my parents went with my brother to give out the invitation cards for my brother's wedding.and that day i am not really feeling well. and eat pizza for dinner! actually nothing special happen that day. and that is how i spent my Christmas Eve. did i ever wonder whether Santa Claus would come? and also did i wonder whether i am on the naughty list?
went to sister house AGAIN! and very early. went to the Living Hope Methodist Church that day. i like that day the service. =D. and i agree with wat the pastor have said as 'Christmas is a very special day. and that a very special child is been born that very day. and it is true that to many people who is without Christ in them. the special day of "HAPPY CHRISTMAS" is change to "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" to them." yeap.
at night, sister cook. YUM YUM. dory fish with butter bread and western vegetable soup! NICE!
woke up at 11.45am. because of sis's call. ask me out to have breakfast-cum-lunch at HAN's Kitchen. YUM! i ordered Spaghetti with chicken and home-made tomato sauce. my sister order a steak that is 3/4 cooked. also very nice wors. chit-chat there.and go shopping. she bought a dress, belt, top for $60+ at COAX and bought for me a 2 tops at O.P. and Samual and Kevin. Thank YOu! hahahs. like-it-alot mode.
[Christmas Eve]
went to sister's house, because my parents went with my brother to give out the invitation cards for my brother's wedding.and that day i am not really feeling well. and eat pizza for dinner! actually nothing special happen that day. and that is how i spent my Christmas Eve. did i ever wonder whether Santa Claus would come? and also did i wonder whether i am on the naughty list?
went to sister house AGAIN! and very early. went to the Living Hope Methodist Church that day. i like that day the service. =D. and i agree with wat the pastor have said as 'Christmas is a very special day. and that a very special child is been born that very day. and it is true that to many people who is without Christ in them. the special day of "HAPPY CHRISTMAS" is change to "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" to them." yeap.
at night, sister cook. YUM YUM. dory fish with butter bread and western vegetable soup! NICE!
woke up at 11.45am. because of sis's call. ask me out to have breakfast-cum-lunch at HAN's Kitchen. YUM! i ordered Spaghetti with chicken and home-made tomato sauce. my sister order a steak that is 3/4 cooked. also very nice wors. chit-chat there.and go shopping. she bought a dress, belt, top for $60+ at COAX and bought for me a 2 tops at O.P. and Samual and Kevin. Thank YOu! hahahs. like-it-alot mode.
Monday, December 25, 2006
12:17 AM
more to be updated about my christmas day and christmas eve!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
11:53 PM
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red, black, blue, green or yellow?
2. Your first initial?
3. Your month of birth?
`MAY! =D
4. Which color do you like more, black or white?
5. Name of a person of the same sex as yours:
6. Your favorite number?
`100! - hahahs to get good grades
7. Do you like Flying or Driving more?:
`FLYs - gain more freedom!
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
`ocean - too big and wide
1. If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and youare laid back.
Blue- You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
2. If you're initial is:
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changingexperience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not begreat, buteventually you will find your soulmate.
4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person is your best friend.
6. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
7. If you chose:
Flying: You like adventure
Driving: You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red, black, blue, green or yellow?
2. Your first initial?
3. Your month of birth?
`MAY! =D
4. Which color do you like more, black or white?
5. Name of a person of the same sex as yours:
6. Your favorite number?
`100! - hahahs to get good grades
7. Do you like Flying or Driving more?:
`FLYs - gain more freedom!
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
`ocean - too big and wide
1. If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and youare laid back.
Blue- You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
2. If you're initial is:
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changingexperience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not begreat, buteventually you will find your soulmate.
4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person is your best friend.
6. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
7. If you chose:
Flying: You like adventure
Driving: You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
4:14 PM
today when back to school for initiatives [photography]. group with the sec 3s. yeah. take photos. *take take here* *take take there* go to the Burger King there to choose the photos and develop it. `[sumthing disgusting happen. dun want to tak about it. too irritated by it]
i am having a terrible muscle-ache. argh. gotta go rest already. if not i am goin to be death because of the pain.
today when back to school for initiatives [photography]. group with the sec 3s. yeah. take photos. *take take here* *take take there* go to the Burger King there to choose the photos and develop it. `[sumthing disgusting happen. dun want to tak about it. too irritated by it]
i am having a terrible muscle-ache. argh. gotta go rest already. if not i am goin to be death because of the pain.
Friday, December 22, 2006
3:01 PM
very exhausted! because just now go back to school for foot drill. yeap. so nothing much to say.
today, the next year sec 1 came to have a GOOD LOOK at the new school they are goin. HOWEVER!, during the ending of the marching at the atrium. suddenly, one guy from feng shan. keep on shouting, "WHO IS LIAN NA?! WHO IS LIAN NA!" he is kinda annoying, and follow us marching. later people thought he is a moron. hahahs. lian na was like "do i know him?" lol. we was like saying " lian na got secret admirer wor" hahahs. no offences. very tired. want to FLY to my bed and have my beauty sleep.*puke* *ahem ahem* [sorry too thick-skinned].
p.s. And just changed skin.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
5:02 PM
so. nothing special happen lately. yeah! my sister is back from Japan. HONEYMOON! so sweet isn't it?!? hahahs. yesterday. went back to school to pass up the SANA paper. unfortunately, i have done the sort of "proposal". in the end, they all said that there is no need to do it. argh. nvm. and after that clean up guides room because of the paint that sticks to the floor. filled my hand with thinner! YUCKS! hahahs.
after the clearing up, when to eat lunch with lian na and lisa at the provision shop. my lunch is; MAGGY MEE. lols. after that, just when i am at my house lift, my sister called and asked whether wanted to go to her house. when reach, kinda lost at first, in the end, manage to find the way. [still will lost the way wors. *impressive!*]
when on the way home, this is the highlight of the day. one boy and his sister was in the bus 39. kinda bad luck to sit in front of them. the boy is maybe too excited about holidays [btw it is gonna end too =).] he kept singing, singing about "HOLIDAYS".oh my goodness. even though his sister did stop him from singing but he refuse. can't that boy just change some verse of it or what so ever, he has been singing the same verse. argh. and most importantly, his shoes dropped underneath my seat, i still have to pick it for him. FOR MY WHOLE JOURNEY, HE IS SINGING. and most of all, he sounds like a PIG snoring [no offence, if there is any]. cannot stand his singing, is like he thinks that he is so good at his singing. at that time, i really wanted to ask him to "SHUT UP" but in the end i didn't. hahahs. be a good girl.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
1:26 AM
Argh. I REALLY CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE. Today went to see doctor again. the doctor give an injection. pain! becoz of the idiotic allergy. that is not recovered. i think my immune system, instead of getting stronger; its getting weaker. last time, i really seldom sick. or maybe once in every blue moon. hahah. *sigh*
Yippee. i finally finish my HISTORY presentation. and the maths is like no so, really, very difficult. while, the SANA transfer agent thing i still left for 4-5 people. argh. WHO CAN HELP ME?!?!? fine. i shall help myself. or maybe some help from the others.
Argh. I REALLY CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE. Today went to see doctor again. the doctor give an injection. pain! becoz of the idiotic allergy. that is not recovered. i think my immune system, instead of getting stronger; its getting weaker. last time, i really seldom sick. or maybe once in every blue moon. hahah. *sigh*
Yippee. i finally finish my HISTORY presentation. and the maths is like no so, really, very difficult. while, the SANA transfer agent thing i still left for 4-5 people. argh. WHO CAN HELP ME?!?!? fine. i shall help myself. or maybe some help from the others.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
2:00 PM
Argh! i'm dead man! piles piles of work for me to do! BLAHHS. are u thinking what i am thinking? NO WAY! tuition homework i haven done one. and all the school holiday homework, i have only done half of it. i'm dead. and i am cracking my brain for the HISTORY presentation. i suck don't i?! YES! totally agree.
yesterday, went to the bedok interchange to brief for the campfire next year with everlyn[Y.A.], audrey, mei jing, mei qing. need to go back to school to soak the firewood.
on the 12 dec, which is 2 days before went back for the initiatives. learning foreign lauguage - french- bonjour. and i can only remember that. hahah
and i still have to do the SANA badge thing which needed to be passed up by19 dec. argh. who can HELP ME~! hahahs. i think sooner or later i am going retarded. so to FINISH my work, i would seldom update.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
1:07 PM
yup! i haven finish my holiday homework and cope up with my tuition homework. argh, piles and piles of homework. some i haven even "touch" them, dun even think about doing it. really feel like some genius will come and help me do it or maybe it can disappear in front of me somehow. argh that will NEVER happen. lots of the works really stone me up. and i still have to think about the history project as i can't meet up with gladys so i think i may have to do it myself. and the chinese assignment [50 idioms] is taking years and years for me to write down and design it. thank goodness, i am goin to finish my english worksheet with 1 more comprehension. and on the 12th and 23rd dec there is the initiatives, next thurs maybe still have to go back to school and 22nd got FOOT DRILL PRACTICE!!! oh my goodness! agrh. so many things happenning in this short time.
I think better get cracking or maybe TIME to get CRACKING!
yup! i haven finish my holiday homework and cope up with my tuition homework. argh, piles and piles of homework. some i haven even "touch" them, dun even think about doing it. really feel like some genius will come and help me do it or maybe it can disappear in front of me somehow. argh that will NEVER happen. lots of the works really stone me up. and i still have to think about the history project as i can't meet up with gladys so i think i may have to do it myself. and the chinese assignment [50 idioms] is taking years and years for me to write down and design it. thank goodness, i am goin to finish my english worksheet with 1 more comprehension. and on the 12th and 23rd dec there is the initiatives, next thurs maybe still have to go back to school and 22nd got FOOT DRILL PRACTICE!!! oh my goodness! agrh. so many things happenning in this short time.
I think better get cracking or maybe TIME to get CRACKING!
Friday, December 08, 2006
5:31 PM
woke up at 6.30am so that my father will drive me there to the school. yeah, u can say that i am LAZY! fine. i am. reach school than the bus drove us to the SANA HOUSE for the drug abuse course and have the test there. and have the role play. damn scary. we are acting with the main character; spongebob squarepants. yeah. i am the squidward. they say that squid is serious looking. however, do i look like i am serious? hahah. fine. nvm. hope that i can pass that SANA test.
went back to school to do the thinking day thing. and get to PAINT! and ned to tie the tripod with Lian Na. and cut the 4 cone[?] shape thing with amirah. mei qing, anisa, atiqah didn't come. yeah. call them. than atiqah early in the morning call on my handphone follow by chee may called to tell me that atiqah cannot go for that, when i am still sleeping. yippee. finally bought the history textbook and workbook already, that time go buy than they say don't have the stock yet. -.- thank goodness that there is not much people or maybe 1 or 2 people there buying only. and i have gone there very early about 11.10am and the guides thing starts at 12noon. so i waited and waited and waited. hahah. very dramatic.
after that, went to seng siong there to buy the otah. BESTLY RECOMMENDED BY LIAN NA. and lian na's $1 dropped into the drain cause by me! argh. so i have to pay for OTAH! fine. nvm. than went to the coffee shop, with chee may, lian na, ruo yin, koli and jessica. yeah. chet-chating there. went home after that with my otah that i cannot finish. hahah
woke up at 6.30am so that my father will drive me there to the school. yeah, u can say that i am LAZY! fine. i am. reach school than the bus drove us to the SANA HOUSE for the drug abuse course and have the test there. and have the role play. damn scary. we are acting with the main character; spongebob squarepants. yeah. i am the squidward. they say that squid is serious looking. however, do i look like i am serious? hahah. fine. nvm. hope that i can pass that SANA test.
went back to school to do the thinking day thing. and get to PAINT! and ned to tie the tripod with Lian Na. and cut the 4 cone[?] shape thing with amirah. mei qing, anisa, atiqah didn't come. yeah. call them. than atiqah early in the morning call on my handphone follow by chee may called to tell me that atiqah cannot go for that, when i am still sleeping. yippee. finally bought the history textbook and workbook already, that time go buy than they say don't have the stock yet. -.- thank goodness that there is not much people or maybe 1 or 2 people there buying only. and i have gone there very early about 11.10am and the guides thing starts at 12noon. so i waited and waited and waited. hahah. very dramatic.
after that, went to seng siong there to buy the otah. BESTLY RECOMMENDED BY LIAN NA. and lian na's $1 dropped into the drain cause by me! argh. so i have to pay for OTAH! fine. nvm. than went to the coffee shop, with chee may, lian na, ruo yin, koli and jessica. yeah. chet-chating there. went home after that with my otah that i cannot finish. hahah
Monday, December 04, 2006
5:54 PM
sometimes people can be so ridiculous. all the misunderstanding and quarrelling took over them. and ended up with a unacceptable truth. i dun want to caught up in this and stress over it and run away from the truth. sounds dramatic isn't it? GOD HAVE A REASON FOR EVERY THING TO HAPPEN. now, i needed concentrade in my own studies. however, i have only started with some of it. some of the work really stone me up. so i have no time to handle those sacastic and ridiculous things that is happening. i don't know wat will happen later. should i be optimistic or pessimistic. i would rather dun messed up with myself. =P so the answer is obvious, i shall and will be optimistic. fine. i think thats all of my lame old wives logical thinking.
sometimes people can be so ridiculous. all the misunderstanding and quarrelling took over them. and ended up with a unacceptable truth. i dun want to caught up in this and stress over it and run away from the truth. sounds dramatic isn't it? GOD HAVE A REASON FOR EVERY THING TO HAPPEN. now, i needed concentrade in my own studies. however, i have only started with some of it. some of the work really stone me up. so i have no time to handle those sacastic and ridiculous things that is happening. i don't know wat will happen later. should i be optimistic or pessimistic. i would rather dun messed up with myself. =P so the answer is obvious, i shall and will be optimistic. fine. i think thats all of my lame old wives logical thinking.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
8:19 PM
"someone and others" say it looks like me. Oh my goodness, even though its cute i dun think i looks like a penguin? Yesterday, really damn exhausted.IS MY SISTER"S WEDDING!! happy for her! only get a couple of hours of sleep the day, about two hours of sleep before my sister's makeup artist came. OMG, the makeup artist came at 4.05AM!!!! so wake up, pack everything up, get dress up and waited for my makeup artist. and mine came at 5.30am. prepare all the things ready for the gate crashing thing, after Linnette, Daphne and Jane(actually shes sick) come. sounds fun and looks fun and its really an experience.
and went to the groom's house than our house and than the groom's house again for the tea ceremony. LOL! after that, down to the church to do the preparation for the buffet and the others [decorations]. and we have to do the walk down the aile and my sister was like so nervous about it as all her students, relatives, colleagues, family members and the others are there in the church. than walk down that aile, with Jian Hong, Jia Ying, me, her, and my father.
i am really a bride"maid", maid that needed to do everything. must look after my sister's "tail" [long dress]. and must do this do that. and my stupid shoes is too big for my leg. dunno why it don't fits. that time when i bought it is fits just right. so i have to put in tissue paper in it, however it is so uncomfortable. BLAAHH!.
than got buffet, wow, very nice. YUM YUM! got sushi and other snacks.
when home. and take a nap with my "hard" hair and make up on.
at 5.30pm, change another dress, and get really for the ballroom at the Hotel Rendovous[?]. when i reach there, when to the hotel room, to help my sister with the dress again.
and after that, when to EAT! the food there was like NICE!
than after the dinner, have the dinner, go for the shake hands thing. [sort of have to say Thank You to the guest there]. shake like for LONG!. than went home. SLEEP!
P.S. photo's to be uploaded
"someone and others" say it looks like me. Oh my goodness, even though its cute i dun think i looks like a penguin? Yesterday, really damn exhausted.IS MY SISTER"S WEDDING!! happy for her! only get a couple of hours of sleep the day, about two hours of sleep before my sister's makeup artist came. OMG, the makeup artist came at 4.05AM!!!! so wake up, pack everything up, get dress up and waited for my makeup artist. and mine came at 5.30am. prepare all the things ready for the gate crashing thing, after Linnette, Daphne and Jane(actually shes sick) come. sounds fun and looks fun and its really an experience.
and went to the groom's house than our house and than the groom's house again for the tea ceremony. LOL! after that, down to the church to do the preparation for the buffet and the others [decorations]. and we have to do the walk down the aile and my sister was like so nervous about it as all her students, relatives, colleagues, family members and the others are there in the church. than walk down that aile, with Jian Hong, Jia Ying, me, her, and my father.
i am really a bride"maid", maid that needed to do everything. must look after my sister's "tail" [long dress]. and must do this do that. and my stupid shoes is too big for my leg. dunno why it don't fits. that time when i bought it is fits just right. so i have to put in tissue paper in it, however it is so uncomfortable. BLAAHH!.
than got buffet, wow, very nice. YUM YUM! got sushi and other snacks.
when home. and take a nap with my "hard" hair and make up on.
at 5.30pm, change another dress, and get really for the ballroom at the Hotel Rendovous[?]. when i reach there, when to the hotel room, to help my sister with the dress again.
and after that, when to EAT! the food there was like NICE!
than after the dinner, have the dinner, go for the shake hands thing. [sort of have to say Thank You to the guest there]. shake like for LONG!. than went home. SLEEP!
P.S. photo's to be uploaded